Welcome Back, Everyone! To make this process as easy as possible, we will be accepting online orders only. The online order system requires a small amount of setup at the beginning. Please register each child attending our school prior to ordering fun lunches. Once the initial setup process is complete, your lunch orders for the remainder of the year should be quick and simple.
If you are a returning Torquay Family, you will have to set up an account again as classroom teachers and divisions have changed from the previous year.
Complete the registration form. Please include your email address to ensure you receive reminders about deadlines and order confirmations for the upcoming week.
Click Yes to "Include in class email list?" to allow Torquay PAC to contact you with important school updates. (Unsubscribe at any time.)
Click on "Register Now" at the bottom.
Follow the instructions to add each child in your family who attends Torquay Elementary
Once your child(ren) are registered, click on "Orders"
Proceed to order fun lunch for your child(ren)
Payments: We accept fun lunch order payments through PayPal.
** Please note: If your child is absent there will be no refunds.**
Orders can be picked up at the office on the day of. Please phone the school in the morning to allow for food to be set aside. Thank you!
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